Design and innovative solutions…
We are a modern and dynamic Architect’s practise specialising in bespoke self-build and residential development with a strong focus on low-energy, fabric-first construction. We work closely with our clients to develop tailored designs specific to their requirements. Our offices are located in the central belt of Scotland and we regularly undertake projects throughout the UK.

We recognise that it is our responsibility to build as sustainably as our clients’ budget, timeline and site allows. Therefore we exercise our professional skills to improve sustainability and minimise the environmental impact in so far as is possible within the instructions received from our clients.

Live the experience…
We aim to give you support and inspiration at every step of the way to help make every dream a reality for our clients. From the traditional parts of the architect’s role – such as the planning, building control and technical drawings for the Self Build – right through to developing a build schedule and engaging with sub-contractors, S24 assist and educate the Self Builder throughout the build process
Our buildings speak for themselves…
Chryston, North Lanarkshire
Hyndford, South Lanarkshire
Luss, Argyll and Bute
Thoughtful, collaborative and insightful
Delivering lasting value…
At S24 we take time to get to know our clients and identify their requirements and aspirations. Architecture is the mirror of life, we passionately believe our designs enhance or clients’ living environment and quality of life.

Self Build
Helping future home owners design and build their dream home. Delivering sustainable buildings that can be easily maintained by their owners, that fluidly adapt to ever-changing needs and desires, and that grow more beautiful over time.
We have extensive experience of new build and renovation work at both domestic and commercial levels. Architectural projects are becoming more complex as advances in technology progress. Which is why we have an unwavering commitment to constantly expanding our knowledge.
We consider the building as a whole and feel that in order to maintain a clear concept running through the whole project, the exterior and interior should be considered as one. Through this thinking we have a great deal of experience in interior design and remodelling.
We have a high success rate with obtaining planning permission, and have experience in both urban and sensitive rural sites. S24 closely manages applications as they progress to ensure a successful outcome.

Great architecture always starts with people
We believe that every project is an opportunity to address sustainability. Architectural projects are becoming more complex as advances in technology progress. Which is why we have an unwavering commitment to constantly expanding our knowledge about how to make out buildings better. Our dedication to each and every project means we are constantly looking to expand our knowledge about how to make our buildings better for our clients and communities through a commitment to Design Quality, Placemaking and Streamlined Delivery.
We'd love to hear from you
Get in touch today to arrange a complimentary consultation to discuss your project and the range of services we can offer. Use the following contact form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible, alternatively our email and telephone details are below.
S24 Architects / Crossway Dalgety Bay / KY11 9JE / 07545 984 100 /

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